I HAVE SKYPE: SillyZombie (I think..)
Summary: I need some suggestions for my story.
Ok so I am making a flash and for anyone who has played Borderlands, my favorite game currently (I beat it but I cant stop playing it) then you may notice a resemblance.
I am making a post apocalyptic cartoon which will be done in several episodes, it will have one character and mutated creatures with bandits. It will kind of look like its back then in the old western type of days(With the good the bad and the ugly soundtrack of course!) as well because there is a lot of 'desert' and such from a bomb, typical... i know @_@ and the main character has radiation inside of him, his left eye is becoming a yellowish color while the right remains normal green, he talks about his past and also so you can get a good idea of what happened in the story and how it became a wasteland setting. Also you can learn of his personality... But anyway, he is venturing around because he is a bounty hunter, he kills bandits when he is hired by towns to do so, he kills mutated creatures and his main goal is to find out what is making them bigger and stronger and more of them over all. In the meantime the girl he lost in his past i want her to have a place in the story as well, I wanna create some kind of twist with her but I dont know what.
Thats what I have so far but any ideas would be amazing so throw them out to me, this animation will show all my skills I have gathered from everyone's critique and suggestions, the animation will have conflicts, details, textures, more detail tot he characters, personalities, more movement rather than just one thing, and a clear story line!!! But I suck at story line so PLEASE help me.
I am very far into the animation already btw :]
If anyone helps I will add their name into the description thanking them, even if i dont use your idea I shall still put you in. (Dont just suggest crap to me to get your name in the description though.. :/ )
To see what the character looks like and to get an idea of the creatures look at this picture(Down there)
It will be the cover.
His eyes are different from how I described because I didnt think of this animation until after I made it xD
(Image is smaller than the original because post wont let me make it too big.)
PS: This is the first time I have posted on the front page I hope it wasnt a bad idea.. im really looking for help and more critique no spam please D: Unless its real spam that'd be interesting...